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Friday, July 31, 2009

27/7 event!!! ^^

as what i promise, this post will be about the PERSONALITY TEST CAMPAIGN by psychology Y2S1 student! ^^
why are we organizing dis ca
mpaign? the reason is very easy!! cuz it is an requirement from our lecturer aka Ms Chew! LOL..
somehow we had fun ler....sumore quite success i can say...=D

y morning suppose to reach skol at 8.30am BUT i reach around 9am...=P overslept ma~
as soon
as i reach there, i only realise im drawing for 9 in 1 sugar paper again for our tutorial poster! O.O wow! quite a tough 1 for me cuz gona finish it b4 10am! and~ IM WEARING SKIRT! XD *luckily my frenssss all cover here and there for me...thanks! ^^*
ready to see for min
e huge work? here we go!

tak adak?! hmmmm~


*kinda proud of myself! muahaha! =P*

*c da lite me standing up high?! =X*

*ei?! mana AKU? spot mine leg on the table behind! lol!!!*
*busy for preparation*

*done! ^^*

*T2 corner*

*T3 ^^ *

*T4 ^^*

*T5 ^^ *
seriously im quite surprise v the crowd of the day....i lagi thought we coursemate play among ourselves oni....BUT! the fact is many of other faculty students attend to our campaign! *appreciate them...muahhhh* =D
*part of the crowd*

*the popular test in our T1*
then where is mine gp of test??? aidui! i forgot to take photo down la...=p our topic is Enneagram Personality Test...hehe is a test that c category u're falling into la...^^ fun wan k! hehe if ur interested...plz feel free to tell me..i wil send u da link! =D*
*v my class wrap! she is sexy on the day...haha*
*v ngiam ngaim &margaret ^^ *

*v kittysoon aka coursemate*

*v mitze aka classmate ^^ the one keep saying sleepy on the morning LOL! *
*v meisian & caryn...tapi da letter buat kacau behind! LOL XD *


*sing chiao^^*

*left-right:colleen,singchiao,jasveen &me ^^*


*puiyee aka housemate ^^*

*ah gan!!!! ^^*

*our lecturer! Ms Chew~ plz ignore mine HUGE rabbit teeth =P*

*close mouth! XD*

*group photo v ms chew ^^*

*how small me and colleen compare v the poster XD*


*LOL 3 silly guy in my tutorial, they r super funny! *

*v dailou! LOL*

*trying to compare mine tummy v fong's pregnant tummy XD*

*kesian the paper kena conteng at the end of campaign*
AS THE FINALE OF THE DAY! proudly presented:

*T1 group photo v lecturer & all members together!! =D*
k la~ time to continue v assignment d ler....enjoy reading!
nightz! ^^


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