as promised, this post is about mine last hardcore life before went back to kampar for final...=)
*it's super outdated~i knew dat...what to do....having final ma~ ^^*
wont be much caption~ so lets the photos flow yea~
before headed to mois, having drinking session at 6th floor 1st ^^
yimay and me~ just realize dis is the 1st photo of consist only me and her together after she backed to malaysia for 3 mths=D
those guys are ban leng leng'in...while lobak tried to show off his nice butt LOL
*need to forgave him la~ he is drunk dat time* =P
ah bi like a boss =D
dis pose recently become my signature post =P no idea y hehe~
of course~ photo v babe khoo ^^
the dudes~
photo v dis dude before he fly back to UK
okay dis is how i look like after 5 cups of concentrated whiskey?! yea~ like a red tomato! @.@ so tipsy~
reached mois and met up these long time no see ns and ex club kaki~ for CK farewell =(
v Im, yong,elaine and penguin =D
tall guy CK =D
aku+im+yimay ^^
had a competition v chuan of who's eyes bigger...and the winner is~~~~~~ME! XD
v babe khoo~
i like dis! LOL nt becuz of me and babe khoo but miss tzeim! LOL
clockwise: elaine,im,ck,yong and tutu
ck,elaine,im,penguin and tutu
elaine plus penguin
肥乐 yeah~!
stimmer~c he request me for doing dis post again @.@
v keehong's bro~he is acting cute =D
tutu, lollipop, keehong's bro
v looyi~ birthday boy also =D
eng guan~ ^^ from utar too le~
edison? kbo & lulu
tutu.eng guan.yimay
yeah! finally CK K.O. and im awake after puke for 4 times! 0.O
mr soon!
mr soon and 猪仔LOL
well da nite end pretty fun...and i enjoy to the max on the night seriously...^^ went home after club, din join them for supper cuz the next day babe khoo still have to work... nvm la~ holiday soon~ can supper everynite muahahah!
*stil want more for the photos? just view mine facebook profile ya...there stil got lots v others =D*
eh ...that is ah bi but...not mine...
pls la you damn stim
ei u mai keh keh k~ beng beng is ur butt lai! i remember well k~ ish! try to denial here...
pls the jeans...and i dun war watch!
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