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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tree of Life

hie hie readers! im back again! =D
today topic is about TREE aka 树 aka pokok aka baum (in german) *teheee*
you must be curious why today topic is about tree?! tree is just a tree lor...combination of trunk, branches, leaves, etc... =.=lll
WELL! image of tree used to bring out client's inner world who had experienced trauma (especially dealing with trauma children) in counselling field =)

i found that this topic quite interesting so just share out with u guys *wink*

"The Tree of Life is a psychosocial support tool that uses different parts of a tree as metaphors to represent different aspects of our lives based on Narrative Practices. The use of metaphors and carefully formulated questions invites children and others to tell stories about their lives in ways that make them stronger and more hopeful about the future. Besides that, it opens up space and has been used extensively with children in different contexts to facilitate conversations about loss and bereavement. The tool allows children severely affected by HIV and AIDS, poverty and conflict to tell, hear, and explore stories of loss without remaining trapped in expressions of grief and bereavement. It simultaneously opens up spaces and opportunities to tell, hear and explore stories of hope, shared values, connection to those around them as well as to those who have died."

this is moi's life of tree =D
so what's each parts of the tree means?! 
here is da explanation *wink*
  • roots: heritage of you, where you come from (i.e. village, town, country); family/ community history (origins, family name, ancestry, extended family); those who have taught you the most in life; fav place at home
  • ground: the place where you live in present, and some of the activities that are engaged in during regular daily life
  • trunk: one's values, skills and abilities (physical acts, caring skills, kidness, honesty etc)
  • branches: hopes, dreams and wishes
  • leaves: people who are important to you
  • fruits: gifts that has been given by others, or the contributions of others have made to your life
  • flowers/seeds: gifts that you wishes to pass onto others (contributions/ material gifts)

 cheong sam tree! LOL
so how does ur tree of life look like?! hehehe....it is fun of doing this activity thou...=D
enjoy and have a nice day people

Thursday, April 7, 2011


halo readers! *wink* 
it's APRIL dy lor...how fast huh~ how's everybody?! xixixixixxi miss me?! LOL
one more month then im OFFICIALLY graduate! =D *ka-ching!*
somehow no student's benefit anymore =( hmmmmmmm
NVM....rot for one mth at home then only plan for future....^^
*hope my mum didn't read this if not i sure DAI!* haha
there are many things had happen for the past 2 mth but now everything is back to normal...
'life is like a roller coaster, there are ups and downs, good things will happen after the storm' =)
another thing is...
Huge natural disaster (earthquake+tsunami) happen in Japan during march and now another 7.9 earthquake strike japan again! *sigh!*
is that a sign of anything?! hmmmmmmm
human seems so small and helpless when comes to natural disaster
well....im quite scare....*serious* =)
let's us pray for Japan again kay? 
让我们来积极面对人生, 活得更精彩,更充实

have a nice day everyone...
remember to 