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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

long? short?

halo again =P yea yea im back AGAIN! xixixi... 
sorry yea...i neo i had a long long long time never update my blog..i can explain dat wan kay!
my lappie sakit teruk at 1st, then masuk wad, then waited for almost 3 weeks for repair, then DIED! 
how sad~ =( 
so when u count count the total time...yea....dat's why until today i updated my blog =( 
and of course...sometimes im busy in the office..so i dont have extra time to write long-ish post for my hampir mati blog....
well...recently my hair~ *yesh my hair issue again~ LOL * had grow shoooooo shoooooo long jor..fringe as well...now im wandering should i cut into bang again or just leave it long~
hmmm...any suggestion? xixixixixi
okay~ this is SHORT



okie okie....enough of my vain photos dy...LOL
so how?! any idea? or i should just leave it 1st until longer then only decide?! 
cuz my frens say my hair now very messy dy LOL
aiya~~~~ =P
k la....just a really short post and i come crap crap awhile before i cont my job! LOL
and i miss ivy darling badly =(
miss those bitchie time v her....<3

k la....time to stop....
have a nice day and i miss him as well *heee* <3