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Friday, June 25, 2010

frizz no more!

alo readers~! im back in track! heheheehehehe....
so today topic- frizzzzzzzzzy~~~
ok la~ i show lion because frizzy usually linked to LION =P
i guess because the lion hair all POP up, not silky silky ma...xixixixixi
what u guys do when u have a bad hair day?!
just leave it there?!

tie it up?!

oh well, i had a major problem v my hair actually...
i coloured my hair then i didn't go for treatment =P
therefore, every times after i finished my bath~ my hair will all POP out like nobody business....LOL so im trying alot of product to tame my frizzy frizzy hair down....but sadly...the there is no effect towards my hair! @.@
*maybe my hair is too strong dy...LOL*
so what should i do to tame my hair down???
iron perhaps?! LOL

no need la~ 
now i have found one product that really tame my frizzy lion hair down nice! wooooootz! <3
talang! Liese hair cocktail <3
with the lovely smell and the effect...it makes me love this product to the bits! <3
can see there are 1 layers?
the upper layer is the anti-frizz oil, lower layer is nourishing water ^^
another awesome product is the juicy shower <3

can spot the real bottle? xixixixi
this lovely product is to prevent hair dryness =D
xixixixixixi! this is the effect of using both products! <3
can see the different? hohoho...
ok la...maybe this photo is a little bit dark and not clear~next time i oni show u guys the clearer wan yea =P
ok now im happy v my hair! weeee weeeee =D
for more information about liese's products~ just click on the website on below yea <3

hope this post will help those who have the same hair prob as me yea xixixixixixxixixi
have a nice day~! woooootz

Friday, June 4, 2010

after a long break =P

bibo bibo bibo~
haloooooo! im back~ =P after 1 mth of disappearing if im not mistaken...
misss me? hexhexhex...
well~ this is the 5th week i back to penang xixixi
went to few parties also~ haha! i think most of the photos i already uploaded to facebook....so show few here nah har....=P
and one more...alot of ppl do ask where i had my internship now...
aku work in WCC nah~ women centre for change ^^
will explain more detail in below~ hoho
picaaaaa 1st =D
down to kay elle to meet dis burthday boy aka baby boy ku xixixixi =D
club v these bunch of new faces ^^ *very nice sumua* xixixixi
hennessy nite! wooohoooo~
fav photo of the night <3
outing v vivi & fernie! wooootz~
last weekend for ivy darling <3
vain photo! LOL
before darling ini fly off to UK =( *sobxxxxx*
waiting her back to peniang-o peniang =)
misssss u darling! <3

xixixixi ok~ now the time i tell u what WCC is...

Women’s Centre for Change (WCC )
  • This organization was established in 1985, and offered counseling, temporary shelter, legal advice, hotline, outreach (talks, workshops), and also information giving.
  • The visions of WCC are to eliminate violence against women, to empower women,children and also to promote gender equality. 
  • objectives would be give counseling,temporary shelter and legal advice to women and children in crisis; create awareness on the issue of violence against women and children; campaign for better policy and legal reform on women and children; and conduct research on issues related to women and children. 
  • WCC offered social service, community outreach, training, advocacy, and publications.
need further explanation of the services?! xixixixixixi
COME LA~ i explain~ woootz~! ^^
1.Social service 
This including counselling, face-to-face counselling, telephone counselling and e-counselling (through e-mail) xixixixixixixxi ^^ besides that, WCC also provide shelter home that basically for abused women and children, protect them from the perpetrator =D 
*no worry ladies! the home is strictly confidential, safe and peaceful~* hohoho

2. Training
WCC do provided training for agencies to improve social  services, eg police officer, hospital staffs and etc.

3.Community outreach
In this category, WCC give public talks, conduct workshops and seminars in schools, colleges, and universities about gender and violence, child sexual abuse and teenage relationships personal safety. 


Held campaign to promote legal reforms to ensure gender equality 

5.Publications and resources
This included pamphlets to increase public awareness and available in 4 different languages. Besides that, books, DVDs, newslink and etc

FUIH~! dah tengok till pening pening dy not?! haha~
k la~ i think should be enough for my long post rite? =P *ngek ngek ngek*
well~ if u guys r interested to find out more about WCC...can just click to this:
xixixixi...have a nice day peeps! <3 

*will blog soon as well haha! =D *