so today topic- frizzzzzzzzzy~~~
ok la~ i show lion because frizzy usually linked to LION =P
i guess because the lion hair all POP up, not silky silky ma...xixixixixi
what u guys do when u have a bad hair day?!just leave it there?!
tie it up?!
oh well, i had a major problem v my hair actually...
i coloured my hair then i didn't go for treatment =P
therefore, every times after i finished my bath~ my hair will all POP out like nobody business....LOL so im trying alot of product to tame my frizzy frizzy hair down....but sadly...the there is no effect towards my hair! @.@
*maybe my hair is too strong dy...LOL*
so what should i do to tame my hair down???
iron perhaps?! LOL
no need la~
now i have found one product that really tame my frizzy lion hair down nice! wooooootz! <3
talang! Liese hair cocktail <3
with the lovely smell and the makes me love this product to the bits! <3
can see there are 1 layers?
the upper layer is the anti-frizz oil, lower layer is nourishing water ^^
another awesome product is the juicy shower <3
can spot the real bottle? xixixixi
this lovely product is to prevent hair dryness =D
xixixixixixi! this is the effect of using both products! <3
can see the different? hohoho...
ok la...maybe this photo is a little bit dark and not clear~next time i oni show u guys the clearer wan yea =P
ok now im happy v my hair! weeee weeeee =D
for more information about liese's products~ just click on the website on below yea <3
hope this post will help those who have the same hair prob as me yea xixixixixixxixixi
have a nice day~! woooootz