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Friday, December 10, 2010

shu the doc away

halo peeps~! how's life? =)
let u guys rank ur stress level: 1-5, 1 is most leisure and 5 is most stress...where is your stand point??
for utarians, i guess most of the students stand point will be around 3-4 stress level rite?! 
WHY? good question cuz we're having study week and this also means FINAL is just around the corner! O.O
so~ during this study week most of students will study like nobody business~ then some of the students bio-clock is upside down just like me =.=lll *no good no good*
well how we gona stay healthy and remain focus on our study?!
hmmmm~ i think few ways is quite effective to me...so i just share it out =)
*somehow i know u guys have your own way, im just sharing....we can exchange exchange idea ma ^^*
first of all, WATER! H2O~ 

well water is very important...our body make up of 70% of water as everyone has know bout it...in this study week period, water play a crucial role in da blood circulation...student eat, then sit in front of the table and  study....sitting down is more than standing and waling...so~ drink more water is good for digestion....
for those got timchak tumchak geh water memang help to detox in this period lor...cuz water help to detox the   alcohol in our blood =P and of course...drink more water will help us stay away from sickness as we drink more water then we go toilet more often...xixixi...after all water helps us to DETOX! 
believe me...skin will become better as well =D
drink at least 1200ml per day kay? *wink*

2nd will be FRUITS and VEGETABLES!

in this section...i dont think i need to explain more rite? 
we are taught since young....if we wana have a healthy body, eat more fruits and vegetables ^^
for those lazy ppl like me...i seldom eat fruits in kampar so to balance up...i eat more vege =D and of course try to eat fruits whenever i can la....xxixixixixi...
an apple will keep the doctor away =D  
oh yea...and keep away from those heaty food such as choc, deep fried food and etc.... all those foods will bring u to doc if u eat too much and nt drink enough water =) 
in a nutshell, what i mean is balance eating habit *heee*

3rd cleaning! LOL

yesh! u didn't see wrongly~! is cleaning...haha i know is kinda random...somehow i got my own reason to do so neh...
come i explain to u guys =P
cleaning will make our room clean rite? so when the room is clean, there is less dust and of course u will feel FRESH! *aha~*
nevertheless, cleaning will help the room air circulation and this will help us stay away from sickness as well *wink* in conjunction with this, clean environment will makes us feel more happy, hence, will be focus more on studies =D 
*it works on me la~ i dunno how bout u guys but why not just give a try rite? ^^ no harm after all *

4th, TAKE A GOOD REST AFTER PIA'ing (study hard)
take a quickie after study will help to strengthen what had study earlier....
take a 5 min break, have a kit-kat! =D
ok la...nt necessary to take a nap but do something that move the butt from chair ler...=) xixixixi
i'm not recommend to take nap cuz i will sleep like a died pig! =P haha but if u can wake up on time so just take a 15 min nap is good as refreshment! ^^


ok la...what i write above is my own way to keep myself healthy throughout this study week and also exam period...yet everyone is using diff method so i just stop and open for discussion lo...=p xixixixi
besides keep my body healthy, i do keep my skin healthy...do mask will help to maintain the baby skin! ^^  this method works on gurls but guys u can try as well as new era guys do pay attention on their skin kay~ *teheeee*

ok ler...this is just an random post that i feel like sharing with all students that are having study week or exam =)
let's stay healthy throughout this period and stay focus on our studies kay....
it's time for me to keep my lappie aside and focus on mua mountain notes jor....=)
good luck to all students! 

huggs! xoxo

Sunday, November 28, 2010

我回来了! =D

hola everybody! im back like FINALLY! *wink* LOL...
*counting fingers and maybe toes* aku mcm stop blogging since...err....august...so 3 mth! haha! =P 
okay la....i admit im lazy to update my 'sudah mati' (died) blog...so sorry to my readers kay...i lub u guys *although nt much ppl reading* haha! ss (syiok sendiri) sikit~
well... so many things had happen during past few monthssss....=)
i had change~ i mean not physically la...but mentally =) but no worry peeps, im still me! da cheerful tutu =D 
just im changing in some area of perception...*tehee*
'no matter what had happen has become PAST, so future is far more important than stuck in the same spot all the time'
my life is truly happy now...with lovely friends around, in penang or kampar...and i appreciate all those lots! <3 *sobx sobx* thank god!
ah liap,wanyong,ivy!
miss punpun,colleen
in past few months i drink drank drunk just to forgot something on my mind...however, now everything is clear...so my heart is CLEAR! seriously clear! ^^ no more tears i promise....xixixixi
how's ur life recently then fellow readers?! good as well? 
what i learnt from past few month that make me move on is:
learn to put down something that bothering in your heart slowly, and this will make our future life more happy and easy 
im glad that i learnt this important chapter of life...although is hard yet after u make it~ everything will be easy ^^ thanks for everyone who support me all the times...now i had grow...become strong and tough...xixixixixi
and most important...
lastly as tradition! 
recent photo of yours truely~ LOL! 
there are always rainbow after storm of rain peeps! bright future are waiting for us! 
let's face our life with laughter *teehee* =D 
have a nice day ^^

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

im addicted to this song alot and this song remind me of him <3

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

long? short?

halo again =P yea yea im back AGAIN! xixixi... 
sorry yea...i neo i had a long long long time never update my blog..i can explain dat wan kay!
my lappie sakit teruk at 1st, then masuk wad, then waited for almost 3 weeks for repair, then DIED! 
how sad~ =( 
so when u count count the total time...yea....dat's why until today i updated my blog =( 
and of course...sometimes im busy in the office..so i dont have extra time to write long-ish post for my hampir mati blog....
well...recently my hair~ *yesh my hair issue again~ LOL * had grow shoooooo shoooooo long jor..fringe as well...now im wandering should i cut into bang again or just leave it long~
hmmm...any suggestion? xixixixixi
okay~ this is SHORT



okie okie....enough of my vain photos dy...LOL
so how?! any idea? or i should just leave it 1st until longer then only decide?! 
cuz my frens say my hair now very messy dy LOL
aiya~~~~ =P
k la....just a really short post and i come crap crap awhile before i cont my job! LOL
and i miss ivy darling badly =(
miss those bitchie time v her....<3

k la....time to stop....
have a nice day and i miss him as well *heee* <3

Friday, June 25, 2010

frizz no more!

alo readers~! im back in track! heheheehehehe....
so today topic- frizzzzzzzzzy~~~
ok la~ i show lion because frizzy usually linked to LION =P
i guess because the lion hair all POP up, not silky silky ma...xixixixixi
what u guys do when u have a bad hair day?!
just leave it there?!

tie it up?!

oh well, i had a major problem v my hair actually...
i coloured my hair then i didn't go for treatment =P
therefore, every times after i finished my bath~ my hair will all POP out like nobody business....LOL so im trying alot of product to tame my frizzy frizzy hair down....but sadly...the there is no effect towards my hair! @.@
*maybe my hair is too strong dy...LOL*
so what should i do to tame my hair down???
iron perhaps?! LOL

no need la~ 
now i have found one product that really tame my frizzy lion hair down nice! wooooootz! <3
talang! Liese hair cocktail <3
with the lovely smell and the effect...it makes me love this product to the bits! <3
can see there are 1 layers?
the upper layer is the anti-frizz oil, lower layer is nourishing water ^^
another awesome product is the juicy shower <3

can spot the real bottle? xixixixi
this lovely product is to prevent hair dryness =D
xixixixixixi! this is the effect of using both products! <3
can see the different? hohoho...
ok la...maybe this photo is a little bit dark and not clear~next time i oni show u guys the clearer wan yea =P
ok now im happy v my hair! weeee weeeee =D
for more information about liese's products~ just click on the website on below yea <3

hope this post will help those who have the same hair prob as me yea xixixixixixxixixi
have a nice day~! woooootz

Friday, June 4, 2010

after a long break =P

bibo bibo bibo~
haloooooo! im back~ =P after 1 mth of disappearing if im not mistaken...
misss me? hexhexhex...
well~ this is the 5th week i back to penang xixixi
went to few parties also~ haha! i think most of the photos i already uploaded to facebook....so show few here nah har....=P
and one more...alot of ppl do ask where i had my internship now...
aku work in WCC nah~ women centre for change ^^
will explain more detail in below~ hoho
picaaaaa 1st =D
down to kay elle to meet dis burthday boy aka baby boy ku xixixixi =D
club v these bunch of new faces ^^ *very nice sumua* xixixixi
hennessy nite! wooohoooo~
fav photo of the night <3
outing v vivi & fernie! wooootz~
last weekend for ivy darling <3
vain photo! LOL
before darling ini fly off to UK =( *sobxxxxx*
waiting her back to peniang-o peniang =)
misssss u darling! <3

xixixixi ok~ now the time i tell u what WCC is...

Women’s Centre for Change (WCC )
  • This organization was established in 1985, and offered counseling, temporary shelter, legal advice, hotline, outreach (talks, workshops), and also information giving.
  • The visions of WCC are to eliminate violence against women, to empower women,children and also to promote gender equality. 
  • objectives would be give counseling,temporary shelter and legal advice to women and children in crisis; create awareness on the issue of violence against women and children; campaign for better policy and legal reform on women and children; and conduct research on issues related to women and children. 
  • WCC offered social service, community outreach, training, advocacy, and publications.
need further explanation of the services?! xixixixixixi
COME LA~ i explain~ woootz~! ^^
1.Social service 
This including counselling, face-to-face counselling, telephone counselling and e-counselling (through e-mail) xixixixixixixxi ^^ besides that, WCC also provide shelter home that basically for abused women and children, protect them from the perpetrator =D 
*no worry ladies! the home is strictly confidential, safe and peaceful~* hohoho

2. Training
WCC do provided training for agencies to improve social  services, eg police officer, hospital staffs and etc.

3.Community outreach
In this category, WCC give public talks, conduct workshops and seminars in schools, colleges, and universities about gender and violence, child sexual abuse and teenage relationships personal safety. 


Held campaign to promote legal reforms to ensure gender equality 

5.Publications and resources
This included pamphlets to increase public awareness and available in 4 different languages. Besides that, books, DVDs, newslink and etc

FUIH~! dah tengok till pening pening dy not?! haha~
k la~ i think should be enough for my long post rite? =P *ngek ngek ngek*
well~ if u guys r interested to find out more about WCC...can just click to this:
xixixixi...have a nice day peeps! <3 

*will blog soon as well haha! =D *

Saturday, May 8, 2010

花开花谢 =)

hilllllooooo readers! <3 xixixi...
im back here!!!! after a long long long long time of MIA due to my final ^^

blogger yg tired ni~ =0
*to update u guys how i look alike reccently* xixixixi
okie okie....actually this post i plan to blog in mandarin lo cause im bad in making eng poet...haha! =P so~
*sorry for those who doesn't know how to read mandarin yea* ^^

花 (hua)





*above article is just the point of dis lame blogger opinion yea =)  u may agree or disagree...xixixi...*
oh yea btw....im happy to find a man who understand and love me =) i neo is fast...but~ who cares...i know what im doing right now....i will be brave to go through all those shit that happen to me...those 流言蜚语i will handle it smartly =) what ppl gossiping bout me is hurtful and suffering but i will stand strong because~
this is MY life...i rule my own life...=) 
*that phone call seriously make my self esteem drop to the bottom of mountain =) 
neeway i appreciate the time we had together and thanks for appearing in my life =) *
thanks for reading yea hohoho! 
have a nice day ^^

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ways to release S.T.R.E.S.S

yelllu readers! ^^
how's life? xixixi finally i can RELAX bit dy....hehe....cause had my last presentation dy...wohoooo! =D
stilll~~~~ i feel stress....=.=lll y?! because after presentation then FINAL is coming *fuihhhhh*
human very weird huh....when we're too busy then we stress...when we're too free, yet we're stress too! LOL
in psychology, job requires excessive speed, output or concentration is work overload, then, feeling of workers that their knowledge, skills or energy are not being fully used will cause stress too and this is underutilization ^^
*plz excuse me of applying psychology knowledge here =P *
then how u guys cope v stress?!
share some of my tips v u =P
1. MAKAN aka EAT aka JIAK...xixixixixi ^^
have ur fav food! hehe...
ice cream!!!!! my fav! *slurp*
haagen daez fondue! <3 *awwwww miss it* who wana acc me go eat?! =(
sushi!!! yum yum yum
chocolates!!!  gurls best fren when they are sad, down or stress =D 
actually i have lotssssss of fav foods geh...LOL so when im not happy, stress, i tend to eat alotssssss =P
food is the basic needs for every human so when u're stress, according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, by fufilling ur stomach then u will feel satisfied,thus, it reduces ur stress (tutu,2010) XD
*neeway dis is according me dis blogger yea...haha! i din go search for any journals to support my point =P *
exercise seriously can make u release ur stress punya...=D somehow i neo BUSY ppl like me and u dont have the time to exercise...so! alternative ways! 
jeng jeng jeng!
we go boom boom shake shake la!!!!! LOL XD
*haha! i neo is a very bad example but~ hmmm...no choice =P*
shake shake also will sweat ma...just the environment...haha! not healthy *wink wink*
neeway when we have time...exercise in the proper way seriously can reduce stress and keep u healthy ^^
awwww~ i miss my ballet time...maybe i should continue back in may?! =) hmmm
sing out ur frustration! woot woot....
u can sing out when u're in the car, bathroom, or even go for sing-k session in redbox! =D
this is a nice way to release! xixixi
imitate how an animal sing! =P
*i neo dis is a very weird way...but is fun wat* XD
sleeping is not a bad thing thou....^^
take a nap will make ur mind clear and fresh... 
some ppl might think dat this is ridiculous but refresh ur mind by let it rest for few minutes is a good things! better believe me xixi...when im stress v assg...i tend to take short nap...haha!
yesh la...u din see/read wrongly...is read MUA blog ^^ xixi...reading also can peace ur mind ma...hohoho! sumore my farny language =P it does make u laugh sometimes rite? rite? hehe.....seriously do hope by reading my blog will cheer u guys up yea <3 
LOL! sorry for scaring u...XD
neeway actually there are still various ways to cope with stress...above are few steps i usually will take ler...^^
sometimes i will scream, bath,  cry *=.=* and etc...haha! hope u guys enjoy reading and of course, cope well v stress then u will be happy ^^
jiayou everyone! ^^ 
